Our Cattle
We have been raising registered Polled Herefords since 1987. A lot of ranches have come and gone in that time and we have seen a lot of changes in the cattle business. Our goals and philosophies have not changed: raise quality animals that flourish on grass as God intended. We have shown cattle successfully and sell several heifers and steers every year for the junior show circuit, but our focus is on functional cattle that will be productive and profitable.
Our bulls are proven and dependable.
Our herdbulls have been selected for performance, maternal, calving ease and carcass characteristics. K Bar K Ranch bulls are proven and dependable. We do not chase fads or EPDs. They both usually change dramatically over a short period of time. The bulls we select MUST perform in the pasture and produce a calf that is needed by cattlemen and the consumer.
Here is a list of bulls we use naturally or through AI to add to our herd.
DCC 5072 BECKETT 7076 ET, P42779683
AHR BOOMER 29D ET, P42938081
STAR CCR 5L BRUTUS 247T, P42776147
TRM 2E ELIJAH P606 5151 ET, P42685374
THM 67J HOSS 7557 ET, P42823017
WTK 102M JACK 21F, P42173599
BR DM KEY DOMINO 0177, P42145038
S & S KODIAK 22K, P42112714
DCC 122L LIFE 6270 ET, P42751607
TRM MOHICAN NASDAQ 37E 5164 ET, P42670389
DUNWALKE PLUS 6110F, P23937681
These bulls and others like EMBLEM, MISSILE, JIM, and EMBRACER will have an impact on our herd for years. Contact us for semen or certificates on KEY DOMINIO, KODIAK, EMBLEM or PLUS.
Our cowherd is built on the foundation that a cow must produce a live, profitable and marketable calf every year, on grass.
Our cowherd is built on the foundation that a cow must produce a live, profitable and marketable calf every year, on grass. We do not have bulk feeders out for our cows or calves. They get raised on milk and grass.
The cowherd is built on genetics that have been selected to build a maternal cowherd that is as problem free as can be. Our first cows were of Victor/Nick/Banner bloodlines for our cowherd. Some chased frame scores, epd extremes or other fads, we focused on a strong, moderate framed cow herd that was productive, functional and dependable. Over the years, we have added genetics to compliment and strengthen the program.
We have also been very fortunate to have owned some breed greats and been able to use embryo transplant to accelerate and broaden our genetic base. A donor cow must be a super producer before she makes the donor pen, not just won some shows. Our program is built on performance in the pasture!
We have always crossed our Polled Herefords with Angus to produce black baldies.
We have always crossed our Polled Herefords with Angus to produce black baldies. The black baldy is always in strong demand in the heifer and steer markets. Recently, a bull customer of ours received a letter from a national stockyard, citing his calves as having the "highest value" of the year! They were black and red baldies! GREAT cattle have GREAT value!
Drive around in the country and look at the cowherds in the pastures. You will find 5 or more "breeds" represented in small herds. Look at their calf crops, no consistency, no matter what bull they use. We must get back to the basics. No consistency in the pasture means no consistency on the plate.
Our baldies are always Hereford/Angus crosses, the only two breeds that are consistently recognized for meat quality. Exotics, Brahman and other breeds do not consistently put a "prime" product on the table. They usually grade select or low choice. Hereford/angus crosses grade higher than any other breed or combination of breeds, even on grass. Here at the ranch, we raise our steers! We don't buy them from sale barns as some do. Every calf that is marketed as ours was bred, born, and raised right here! We have black baldy heifers and steers available at most times.