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Purchase a 1/4, 1/2 or Whole Steer
Many of our customers ask for a quarter steer, but do not understand all the cuts or may utilize them. We are going to streamline this process and put a "Quarter Steer" package together. We have included the most popular cuts in the package. They are listed with approximate weights below.
This package will weigh very close to 100 lbs of meat and will costs $750. A $150 deposit is required and turnaround should be within 1 month of the deposit paid. If you would like to purchase a half steer, we will provide two of the "quarters." A whole steer can still be purchased and cut however you like.
In a quarter steer, you receive:
For a whole steer, here's how it works. We sell you a live steer. An 800 lb. steer will yield approximately 400lbs of meat, depending on how you have it processed. The costs are $2.50/lb. live weight, plus the processing. Processing usually runs $300-$350, depending on how big the steer is and how you have it cut up. We do require a $500 deposit per steer, which will be credited toward your total price.
Whole steer example:
An 800 lb. steer costs $2000. Processing costs $450. The yield is 400 lbs. of meat. Thus, the 400 lbs. of meat comes to a total cost of $2450, which is $6.13 per lb. You receive all the cuts of meat for less than the price of ground meat. This is just an example, since every steer is different— but it should be close.